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Keyword: Mullett Arena

Backstreet Boys’ singer Nick Carter bringing solo …

Mullett Arena in conjunction with R Entertainment welcomes Nick Carter, lead singer of the Backstreet Boys, to Tempe.

Despite ‘re-engage’ pledge, Coyotes have not …

Tuesday’s vote in Tempe this week shot down the Arizona Coyotes’ plans to build a new arena in that East Valley community as the team goes back to the drawing board to look for a permanent Valley home.

Arizona Coyotes embark on a season like no other

New is always better. The Arizona Coyotes are hoping that is the case as they embark on a new era in Tempe with a fresh batch of faces.

Arizona Coyotes player expects 'crazy, loud' …

The new Mullett Arena has brought excitement and a burst of energy to the Arizona Coyotes. As each player approached the microphone for media day Wednesday before the start of training camp, their eyes lit up when they spoke about their new home and its potential for the 2022-23 season.